Friday, December 9, 2011


I chose to write about texting while driving. Texting while driving increased 50 percent last year, and two out of 10 drivers say they've sent text messages or emails while behind the wheel despite a rush by states to ban the practice, the National Traffic Safety Administration. Drivers talking into hand-held cell phones remained flat at 5 percent.Eighteen percent of drivers said they've sent text messages or emails while driving.The survey also found that most drivers will answer a phone call while driving and most will continue to drive after answering. The increase in texting while driving is alarming and it is not only harming and putting you in danger, but it is also putting all of the people around you in danger. When you text and drive, you have to take your eyes off the road and that might potentially cause you to get you and somebody else in an accident.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

When there are only going to be four teams able to go into the NBA, it is time for the Flint Michigan Tropics to step up and play there best basketball. To help make this happen, Jackie Moon (Will Ferrall) traded his washing machine for a former NBA point guard that played for the Boston Celtics and has a championship ring. Jackie Moon is the coach, the owner, and the power forward for the Tropics. The team wanted the new guy on the team (Ed Monix) to start coaching the team because he knew more about the game than Jackie did. The team went from being last in the league to fourth place in the league.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Here is what Cody Netusil,

I am thankful for my family. Without them at my side, I would not be where I am today. My parents support me very much and I am very thankful for that. They attend every single sporting event that I have. The second most thing that I am thankful for are my dogs. Every day when I come home, they are right there to meet me at the door. What can I say, "they are a man's best friend". When I have a bad day, I know that they will always be there for me. I AM THANKFUL FOR MY FRIEND, TRISTIN RIESBERG!!!!!!!! I am also thankful for my ability to be able to play sports. I am thankful that I have not had any knee problems since I had my knee surgery in late June. Without me having knee problems, I am able to do a lot more stuff that I would not be able to do with my knee hurting like it was. Last but not least, I am thankful for my grandma and grandpa. My grandpa is now dead but he moved on to a better place. I am thankful that whenever I needed somebody to talk to, I could count on him to be there for me. He battled cancer for ten years and finally it got the better of him. I am thankful for my grandma being there for me right now. She attends all of my sporting events that she can.

Monday, October 31, 2011

It was a scary, cold, dark, and spooky night when Chester Jerome Neal wanted to go trick-or-treating. He started and then he went up to a house and somebody popped out of the bushes and scared the living *** out of him. Chester punched the kid out of instincts and gave the kid a bloody/broken nose. The kid's parents wanted to sue Chester for everything that he had. Chester made the point that if the kid would not have made me poop my pants, then he wouldn't have a broken nose. C.J. ( as the kids call him) was so made that he then turned into a incredible scary monster and scared the living **** out of that kid and his parents. Then he ran away and never left his house ever again.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My new invention is called the P0-Po Alert. This will locate police officers within 30 miles of your location. With this invention, you will almost never get a speeding ticket because you would know where the police officers are sitting/driving. Then by never getting tickets, you can spend that money something that you actually want (not tickets).

Say you are driving down the interstate and you are in a rush. The last thing you want to happen is get pulled over by the Po-Po. If you had the Po-Po Alert in your car, then you would never get pulled over and you can be on time to where you are going. Overall if you do not want any tickets in your life, you should buy the Po-Po alert.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I was in kindergarten and I was almost asleep during nap time and then saw that the World Trade centers had been hit. I thought to myself "why would somebody do this?" All I remember really was I got home and my parents told me about an airplane that hit the World Trade center. I now know that it was a terrorist attack on the United States.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

30 things I would do

· Wrestle an alligator
Meet Ken Jeong
Party with Ken Jeong ( Leslie Chow)
Be richer than Bill Gates

Go streeking across a football field during the game on national t.v.
Marry Jessica Alba.
Swim with sharks.

· Get in a fight with a random person

Bring a snake to school.

· Keep a zebra as a pet.

· Go to China.

· Go to Hawaii.

· Throw a tomahauk at somebody. ( Call of duty style )

· Wrestle the Rock.

· Go to swim with alligators and crocodiles.

· Swim with the dolphins.

· Try to play basketball or football in college.

· Raise a family.

· Live in Florida when I get older.

· Meet Dwyane Wade.

· Go to a Dallas Cowboys game.

· Meet Lebron James.

· Go to a Miami Heat basketball game.

· Be able to do a back flip standing there.

· Meet Will Ferrel

· Go to a Boston Red Sox baseball game.

· I want to set foot on every continent.

· Go skiing on a mountain.

· Climb one of the mountains.

· Go SCUBA diving in the Carribean's.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I do not think that I could live without my cell phone, because it has the internet on it wherever I go. A lot of people can just text other people instead of calling or talking to them. Also a lot more of over weight children. Instead of writing a letter to somebody, we can just send a text message to somebody.I think technology is a VERY good thing. Without technology, we would have to take a lot more notes in school, could not communicate to other kids our age as easily. I don't think technology should replace jobs for humans. I think technology has made a lot of people obsessed. I disagree with that statement because even if you use technology every day, that doesn't mean you are lazy at all. Overall I think technology is a good thing and without it, I do not think I would be able to live.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My summer adventure

I sat out of track season due to my knee injury. Also I started playing basketball in August. My team went to Virginia, Kansas City, and St. Louis. We also played a couple tournaments in Ames. I played basketball all summer until I had knee surgery in early July. I tore my meniscus. I had played on my knee for two and a half months and then found out that I had torn my meniscus in my left knee. It is the second time that I have torn my meniscus in my left knee.
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