Many people like to play different sports. For guys, there is, basketball, football, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, golf, cross country, baseball, and wrestling. There is a lot to choose from and you can have a lot of fun doing each one of these sports. For girls, there is, basketball, softball, swimming, golf, track and field, cross country, tennis, volleyball, and dance.

If you participate in any one of these sports that I just mentioned, you are most likely going to have fun, work hard, and you are going to be able to stay in shape. Some kids play these sports to let their aggressive side of them out. Others play these sports because they simply love to

play the game. Some people play sports because they have so much energy, but they do not know how to use it. There are some kids that have to play sports because their parents make them go out for the sport. Sports also create a competitive compassion for kids. Some people go out for sports because they need to learn and experiment teamwork. Sports is also good because you can learn how to

handle adversity. There are many sports to choose from, but you should play the sports that make you happy and you have fun doing.